Time to Shine Retreat

Reignite Your Inner Light at Alnoba in Kensington, NH

November 14-17


Registration Closes September 13th. 



Rediscover Your True SElf.

Find your shine again.

You are Her!


Time to Shine Retreat

Reignite Your Inner Light at Alnoba in Kensington, NH

November 14-17

The experience of a LIFETIME awaits you....


UPDATE: 2 spaces left!

Are you feeling disconnected from your true self? Do you long to reignite your inner spark and embrace the vibrant energy within you? Our exclusive 3-night Reiki and Aromatherapy Retreat is designed to help you reconnect with your true essence, rediscover your S.H.I.N.E. and become the woman you are destined to be! Nestled in a serene and tranquil setting, this retreat offers a sanctuary for your mind, body, and soul.

Relaxation, Rejuvenation, & Transformation

It's Time to SHINE!

The Time to Shine Retreat combines Reiki, Aromatherapy, guided healing meditations, and connection with nature that will blow your mind!  Discover the essence of tranquility and let your light SHINE brighter than ever before at the Time to Shine Wellness Retreat. Immerse yourself in the harmonious blend of Reiki healing and the therapeutic power of essential oils, all while surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the great outdoors.

Prioritize your self-care, your growth and your personal transformation. The world needs your light.

This isn't just a retreat where you will come to relax (although there will be time for that too). It's a retreat where you come to when you're finally ready to BE the woman you were always destined to be! Secure your spot today for this exclusive getaway and begin a journey that revitalizes your soul. 

Take a moment to breathe deeply and commit to a weekend designed just for you. Join us now and figure out the rest later. You’ll be so glad you did!

Secure your spot now for as little as $475 when you select flexible monthly payment option! 

Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized and intimate experience for each participant. Please answer a few short questions to apply for the Time to Shine Retreat. Andrea will be able to determine if this retreat will be a good fit for you and let you know if spaces are still available. 


Reiki, Yoga Nidra, Sound healing


Therapeutic Essential Oils


Serene Nature Setting


Cozy Cabins


Fireside Chats & Ritual


Nature Trails


Who is this retreat for? 

This sacred weekend is carved out for souls who are walking or stepping onto the path of spiritual awakening, yearning for a profound link to their Authentic Self, and trusting in the transformative potency of energy, frequency, and vibrational healing.
It's a spiritual pilgrimage into one's core being.
For those who cherish nature and want to deepen their connection to true self through the healing energy of Reiki, aromatherapy and guided meditation.
For the spiritual women who want to reconnect with their core, rejuvenate their spirit, rekindle their inner glow, and find their SHINE again.
For Anyone seeking a blessing of peace, emotional support, or spiritual attunement.
Those who believe that God’s healing love is spiritual, yet can be physical as well. Who believe that essential oils are the perfect element to guide our spiritual path and uplift our hearts.
Those women who use essential oils for healing and believe they have both spiritual and physical healing qualities.
Those who want to use the oils in a very conscious and intentional way in focused application to balance the energy systems of the body and the related emotions & energy centers.
Those who embrace Divine guidance from the spiritual realms.
We will be receiving some support from Archangel Ariel (the nature angel) during this retreat. She has already been guiding me for how to structure the weekend.

A prayer we will be saying to Ariel:

"Archangel Ariel, please be with me now. Help me to feel and connect with the healing and loving power of nature. May this energy restore and bring me into a state of balance. Show me how to tune into the subtle energy and messages of the Soul of the plants through their sacred essential oils."

Shine Your Light Wellness Retreat: Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Are you feeling drained by the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Do you long for a sanctuary where you can reconnect with your inner self and reignite your passion for life? Welcome to Time to Shine Wellness Retreat, a transformative experience designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit in the serene embrace of nature.

Ready to find your shine again?

Join us for a rejuvenating experience

where you can disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life , connect with like-minded women and reconnect with your True Self. 

 At the Time to Shine Retreat, you will experience the profound connection between nature and inner well-being. 


Our retreat is located in a picturesque and peaceful environment at Alnoba, providing the perfect backdrop for your healing journey. The natural beauty surrounding you will inspire and rejuvenate your spirit.

Nestled in a picturesque natural setting in southern New Hampshire, the Time to Shine Wellness Retreat offers a serene escape from the chaos of modern life. Immerse yourself in the beauty of lush forests and breathtaking landscapes. Our earth-friendly accommodations are designed to provide comfort and tranquility, allowing you to fully unwind and reconnect with nature.

In addition to individual healing and transformation, our retreat fosters a sense of community and connection. Engage in group activities such as guided nature walks, workshops, and communal meals featuring wholesome, locally-sourced cuisine. These experiences not only nourish your body but also create lasting bonds with like-minded individuals on a similar journey toward self-discovery and healing in mind, body and spirit.

In a community of like-minded women, you will be guided through Reiki and Yoga Nidra sessions combined with specific essential oils, helping to balance your energy and promote deep relaxation.

Unlock the secrets of Nature's Aromatic gifts


Complementing this, our customized essential oil workshops will unlock the secrets of nature's aromatic gifts, teaching you how to harness their healing properties for everyday wellness and enable you to SHINE more brightly in the world. Experience the healing powers of Reiki and essential oils amidst the beauty of nature. Our sessions will help you find balance, relaxation, and a deeper connection to yourself. You’ll leave with a personalized blend to continue your journey at home.

Holistic Healing


We believe in a holistic approach to wellness. Our retreat offers a carefully curated selection of activities and leisure time to support your overall well-being. Begin your day with gentle yoga sessions, designed to awaken your senses and energize your body. Find peace and clarity through guided meditation sessions.

Our yoga nidra meditation sessions provide a tranquil space to quiet your mind and foster inner peace, helping you gain clarity and purpose.

Indulge in our array of holistic healing modalities, including Reiki aromatherapy, and a Transformational Sound Healing Immersion session. Receive inspiration & guidance through card readings and journaling. Harness the Full Moon energy and allow the light to Shine on any areas that are no longer serving you.  We are dedicated to helping you release old patterns, alleviate stress, and restore harmony in your life. With a focus on natural and subtle energy practices, you can trust that every aspect of your experience is crafted to nurture your whole self.

BONUS: Full Moon Ritual

As destiny would have it, during our incredibly powerful exploration of the Self, we will experience the aligned energies of the Full Moon in Taurus. These will be intense and powerful energies supporting personal transformation and unearthing the deepest truths that have remained hidden on Friday, November 15th when the full moon Shines!

It's Time to SHINE!

Full Moons always bring illumination, revelations, culminations and endings. This Full Moon in Taurus invites you to protect the peace & prosperity you cultivated this year and do not allow old traumas to sneak back into your newly cleansed spirit. This full moon is deeply connected to your finances and abundance.

We will focus on releasing old patterns or limiting beliefs about your ability to manifest abundance in any area of your life (money, love, health) and overcome unworthiness! During the fire ceremony we will release what's blocking your light from Shining Abundantly! 


Meet Your Facilitator 

With a deep reservoir of knowledge embedded within her being, Andrea emerges as a wise mentor in the realms of education and healing. She has a Master's degree in Literacy and Instruction and the distinction of being a National Board Certified Teacher, she has delved into the mystical domains of Usui and Lightarian Reiki mastery. Her coaching abilities illuminate the path for those seeking their true calling.

Having served various non-profit organizations as a literacy fellow and educational consultant, she has sown seeds of wisdom and nurtured minds across the nation. Andrea is not merely an educator but a shining light, establishing The Healer Within Academy, Aroma Reiki Training and The Chakra Activation Method.

As the acclaimed author of the Chakra Activation Method and the Chakra Oils Oracle deck, Andrea's words act as a healing balm, soothing emotional wounds, providing inspiration and awakening latent potential. Her journey in facilitating virtual and in-person workshops and classes for over two decades has been a tapestry of empowerment and enlightenment, interweaving education and holistic healing.

On her path of self-discovery and spiritual growth, Andrea discovered her harmony in Reiki and the vibrational frequencies of therapeutic essential oils. They became her allies in battling fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, her companions on the path to well-being and joy, and her guides in the pursuit of inner tranquility. These elements unlocked the door to her life's purpose, enabling her to step into her authenticity and radiate her light to the world. She is passionate about utilizing these tools to help others reignite their inner light as well.

Sound Healing Immersion

I am collaborating with Carmen Hernandez to create a powerful healing session that is all aligned with your S.H.I.N.E. reflection that you will complete prior to the retreat.

Prepare for a magical afternoon of celestial sounds and quantum heart awakening.

Carmen will channel the energy of Ascended Master and Bodhisattva of unconditional love and compassion, Quan Yin.

Working together, they will bring in and hold you in the energy of the Quantum Heart Field.

Carmen will be playing a myriad of sound healing tools including; Gongs, Crystal and Himalayan bowls and sacred rattles to create this cosmic soundscape. This sacred energy will attune to the higher vibrational energies of the Quantum Heart Field.
This will bring to the surface anything that has been dimming your light and preventing you from SHINING brightly so it can be transmuted in this sacred energy field!
This will build upon and complement our morning Aroma Reiki sessions that will unlock the secrets of nature's aromatic gifts, teaching you how to harness their healing properties for everyday wellness and enable you to SHINE more brightly in the world.
About Carmen
Carmen is a multidimensional healer who illuminates pathways to higher consciousness. She walks beside you, holding heart space, supporting and guiding you to step more powerfully into your divine essence. As a quantum healer, she assists in clearing energetic blockages, both present and past life, to create a heart-soul alignment.

Carmen is a master teacher in Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. She is also a Magnified Healing practitioner.
Sound Healing is an essential component of Carmen’s healing work. She blends the celestial sounds of gongs, crystal and himalayan bowls with her other healing modalities to achieve a uniquely transcendent experience.

During her sessions, she works closely with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to create a calming, heart-centered space for deep healing and soul clarity.

In addition to working with people, Carmen's love of animals prompted her to pursue a certification in Animal Reiki and Communication. Equine communication is particularly near and dear to her heart. Carmen has served as a volunteer at Ironstone Farm, Andover, MA, within their hippotherapy program and also serves as an animal communication liaison between Circles of Wisdom in Methuen and Strongwater Farm in Tewksbury.

Yoga Instructor

Barbara Kataisto will be leading us through gentle yoga flows each morning. Barbara was drawn to alternative ways of healing as a teen through a
collection of books on eastern religion and spiritual healing. She read most of the books back then but didn’t do much with the knowledge because she wasn’t really sure where to take it. She had her WOW moment during her first sociology class in college and although couldn’t describe it then she knew she was meant to be in the healing / wellness space. Barbara went on to study organizational behavior and spent a business career in this area until finding yoga and learning about and working with a variety of healing modalities initially for herself. These include chakra balancing, essential oils, healing crystals, reiki and the power of endorphins truly finding the happy in endorphin-releasing! [On endorphins - with herkids EndorphinGirl® came to life - www.endorphingirl.org]
She hold a masters in social-organizational psychology and loves
supporting people on their healing/ life journey. During her corporate career she lived and worked in numerous countries allowing her to do cross- cultural development work with people from many cultures. Learning a ton that naturally has been weaved into her holistic work. Her initial shift to yoga instructor was the most natural transition from her corporate organizational behavior / mindset work. Barbara is a registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT (520hrs) focusing primarily on Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa. Her classes focus on breath work (Pranayama), restorative and gentle and intermediate movement (Asanas) and Meditation appealing to students of all ages. She is a Lightarian Reiki (Usui Master) Practitioner, Certified Aroma Reiki
Practitioner, and a Charka Activation Method™(CAM) Practitioner. She has
completed the Lightarian Institute AngelLink, AngelLink Extension and Path Clearing Attunements and is ‘registered’ to pass those Attunements on to others. She is an Advanced Crystal Master (ACM) through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and considers herself an essentials oils aficionado. Barbara loves sharing her knowledge of all these healing tools with those interested to support them in finding a happier, healthier, more joyful way of living!


Live Q & A with Andrea

Watch the recording of Andrea's Live Q & A session where she explains all the details about the retreat and answers the most commonly asked questions! 


Join us from November 14-17 for a transformative experience in the heart of nature at our wellness retreat in southern New Hampshire.


Take the First Step Toward Transformation

Your journey to a healthier, more vibrant life begins with a single step. There are a limited number of spaces available. Secure your spot and get ready to find your Shine again. Time to Shine Wellness Retreat is more than just a getaway; it’s an opportunity to transform your life from the inside out. Whether you seek to de-stress, heal, or simply find joy in the present moment, our retreat offers the perfect sanctuary to support your goals. Utilizing the framework of the S.H.I.N.E. Reiki Principles, Andrea will guide you through a life-changing, transformative weekend.

Don’t wait any longer to invest in your self-care and spiritual growth. Book your spot at the Time to Shine Wellness Retreat today and embark on a path of rejuvenation and self-discovery. Let us help you SHINE your light brighter than ever before.

BONUS: Goodie Bag


Everything you need to SHINE!

Andrea is gifting each retreat participant a Time to Shine Tote bag filled with everything you need for the weekend!

  • a Complementary Chakra Oils Oracle card deck

  • a set of Essential Oil blends created by Andrea + infused with Reiki for each Individual (a unique blend just for you based on your S.H.I.N.E. reflection questions!) 

  • A unique crystal hand selected by Andrea for each person (based on your SHINE reflection questions)

  • a Time to Shine Journal & notebook

  • Shiny Writing pens

If you're ready to experience a retreat like never before....Secure Your Spot today & get the EARLY BIRD PRICE!

Registration Closes September 13th. There are 2 affordable payment options, so don't let the cost hold you back! Listen to your Soul (not your ego which will try to talk you out of it and loudly justify all the reasons why you shouldn’t go!)

Don’t miss this opportunity to reconnect with your true self and find your S.H.I.N.E. again.

Spaces are limited to ensure a personalized and intimate experience for each participant. Click the link below to apply and secure your spot and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Update: 2 spaces remaining 




Save an extra $100 when you pay in full

Complete the Application + you'll receive a Coupon code

  • All inclusive 3 night stay at Alnoba Retreat Center
  • Daily yoga, yoga nidra, guided meditation and Reiki sessions, along with essential oil classes
  • Transformational Sound Healing Immersion session
  • Meals & lodging included
  • Ample time for self-reflection, nature walks, journaling and meditation
  • Mindful mornings- chakra oil cards to draw + journal prompts for silent reflection & intention setting for the day
  • A life-changing, transformative weekend with Andrea and a community of like-minded women!



Three Monthly Payments

$475 X3

Flexible Payment Option

Final Payment Must Be Received by Nov. 1st

  • All inclusive 3 night stay at Alnoba Retreat Center
  • Daily yoga, yoga nidra, guided meditation and Reiki sessions, along with essential oil classes
  • Transformational Sound Healing Immersion session
  • Meals & lodging included
  • Ample time for self-reflection, nature walks, journaling and meditation
  • Mindful mornings- chakra oil cards to draw + journal prompts for silent reflection & intention setting for the day
  • A life-changing, transformative weekend with Andrea and a community of like-minded women!



Optional: Extend your trip!

There are so many beautiful and historic places to see in the area! Walk around downtown Portsmouth (just 20 minutes from Alnoba) and enjoy lunch while you do some holiday shopping! There are also 3 amazing Crystal shops downtown ;) Or take ride along the scenic seacoast starting in Rye. 


Holiday Shopping

Downtown Portsmouth

Enjoy Lunch

Portsmouth Restaurants

Sight Seeing

Drive Along the Coastline