After You Purchase the Chakra Oils Oracle Deck...

Come back to this page with your order # to download your free guidebook & journal!

Click here to order the deck if you haven't yet >>>

Now Available!

Well, it's been a year and half in the making and they are finally here. The Chakra Oils Oracle deck is now available on Amazon. (*Please note, it is listed here on Amazon but sold by my distributor, Vervante) So, it should be available to ship to all countries!
I am also waiting for it to be listed on their bookstore as well, and I will share that link as soon as I receive it should you have any trouble getting it through Amazon.
This is an Indie deck (which is independently created without a big financial backing), therefore the first batch is in limited quality to see how it does.
I am sharing this with my immediate community here first (and not advertising to a wider audience yet until next week). So, you all get first dibs ;)
And if successful, I will be having more printed. So, be sure to order today if you know you definitely want a deck from this first trial run 😉
I do have high intentions that it will do well and likely sell out! *(but it could take months for the next batch to printed and shipped) *Just FYI 🙂


There is so much more you will learn about yourself and your chakra imbalances by connecting with spirit of the plants (AKA the essential oils).

The guidebook is designed to take you on a magical chakra journey with the oils.

  • Draw one chakra oil card a day, starting with the Root to the Crown chakra. 
  • Choose a card and read the the message from the guidebook. Inhale the oil and send your breath to your chakra. Contemplate the oil's message and what implications it has for your chakra imbalance. 
  • Connect deeply with the oil. Reflect on the prompt and journal any insights or ideas you receive about your chakra.
  • Repeat the accompanying affirmation throughout the day. 

Ready to tap into the power of your chakras and the wisdom of the oils? Download the free guidebook to receive messages from the oils, including affirmations and journal reflection prompts.



I have been using the therapeutic essential oils for my personal health and wellness since 2007, and in my Reiki practice since 2012. They have supported healing in mind, body, spirit and emotions for myself and my clients. When I visited Sedona, Arizona is when I first connected deeply with the Spirit of Juniper. It was this experience that actually inspired me to create the Chakra Oils Oracle deck.

One morning, I walked up to the Kachina vortex alone and noticed all of these twisted trees along the way. I didn't realize they were Juniper trees at first. Many of them even looked lifeless and unhealthy.

I learned that Juniper trees respond to the vortex energy in a physical way that reveals where this energy is strongest. The stronger the energy, the more of an axial twist the Juniper trees have in their branches. This gave me a new appreciation for Juniper oil, realizing the trees were resilient and powerful.

Sitting beside a Juniper tree in meditation, I heard the words, "Like the Juniper tree, you can twist and bend when faced with harsh conditions, challenges and intense energy in life. But you are resilient. You are strong. You will bend, but you will not break."

Therefore, you will see that the theme of the Juniper card is: Resilience. This is one example of a theme and an affirmation you will receive in the Chakra Oils Oracle Guidebook. Each card has a different theme which have all been inspired by my personal experiences with the oils. 

Each card has an image of a certain plant (flower, tree or herb) to represent the essential oil, which is the Soul of the plant. Each card has a spiritual significance for a certain aspect of your chakra development. When you draw a card, allow the energies of the plant kingdom to work with you. The cards help you connect with the soul of the plants, and help them connect with you. 



Many people are aware of the benefit of using essential oils in skin care, massage, to enhance the mood in a room or to physically and energetically cleanse a space and in some cases, supporting physical issues and illnesses.
However, my passion is using them to rebalance the chakras. I use them in a very conscious and intentional way in focused application to balance the energy systems of the body and the related chakra energy centers. Few people are aware of the oils etheric language and activity. They are the Soul of the plant and they carry light codes.
Shifts are occurring on earth and some of the old ways that worked before (may still work) however we need to upgrade our thinking and consciousness and be open to the possibilities for healing and spiritual growth. In the last few years our beliefs have been challenged and our habitual ways of doing things have changed.
We are shining our lights more brightly on those dark areas and experiencing positive transformation that’s needed in these current times. New therapies are emerging. I believe that earth’s abundant plant life is also being reactivated.
Using pure essential oils that have been grown and harvested with the upmost care for our Creator, for the earth and for the individuals who use them, is very important.
I believe wholeheartedly that essential oils are taking on a new role with enhanced abilities for our healing and growth on all levels! Their spiritual nature is evolving. For those who are open to receive them, they are sharing their hidden secrets for restoring inner harmony! Are you ready to connect more deeply with the Soul of the Plant?