Join the 7-Day Chakra Diet Challenge Jan. 23-30th

(A $49 Value for free) Get started today before this opportunity expires.

Re-establish healthy habits with a holistic approach to nutrition that is simple and incredibly delicious.

What is the Chakra Diet?

Have you struggled with following a healthy diet on your journey of healing & spiritual growth? 

Are you interested in learning how to use food to increase your vitality & life force energy?

Discover a unique approach to dieting that includes science of the subtle energy body + endocrine system, Reiki principles of kindness & compassion, and intuitive eating practices to help you understand, love and heal your body and soul. 

Inspired by her own healing journey, Reiki teacher and holistic health expert (the founder of The Chakra Activation Method) Andrea Frasier has developed a revolutionary approach to dieting through vibrational medicine, self-care, loving and listening to your body and your own inner knowing.

As Andrea shares her tried-and-tested recipes, you'll be empowered to create your own unique Chakra diet based on life force foods, self-compassion and intuitive eating. As a companion to the Chakra Activation Method program, the Chakra Diet will enhance the clearing, healing and rebalancing of each energy center by using the vibration of specific plant-powered foods.

You'll discover 7 days of specific recipes designed to increase your vital life force energy and support your wellbeing at every level. 

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Holistic Nutrition

 My journey started with a fibromyalgia diagnosis back in 2003. I’ll spare you all the horrific details of the constant pain, depression and side effects of prescription drugs, but anyone who has had a chronic illness knows what I’m talking about. I focused on healing my physical body and trying to get rid of this disease. I was only aware of traditional medicine at the time, I knew nothing about alternative or complementary therapies or holistic healing. I mean, I’m just a small town girl who grew up on a farm in upstate NY, things like energy healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, or mind- body-spirit were not part of my vocabulary. 

But years and years of attempting to treat the physical symptoms and not address the root cause, didn’t pan out and like many who seek complementary therapies as a last resort, I was taken down an unexpected  path of spiritual growth, mental and emotional and physical healing and complete personal transformation.

My journey of returning to wholeness started with holistic nutrition. I studied the works of Dr. Fuhrman (and others), which kick-started my healing, recovery and restored my energy & vitality.

In 2013, I appeared with Dr. Fuhrman on the Dr. Oz show to tell my story of overcoming chronic pain and fatigue with diet (and I demonstrated how to make a vegan ceasar salad dressing). My passion for creating simple, delicious whole food plant-based recipes was ignited then and now has come full circle. I integrate what I've learned about food with life force energy + the chakras + endocrine system + Reiki principles of kindness & compassion + conscious eating practices to help you understand, love and heal your body, mind and soul.

How Will This Challenge Help Me? 

  • Andrea shares how to: 

    🌟 get to know your unique Chakra imbalances 

    🌟 cultivate more kindness for yourself, the animals and the planet

    🌟 use simple plant based ingredients for a calmer and more conscious lifestyle 

    🌟 develop intuitive eating practices and a diet that truly nourishes you mind, body and soul

    🌟 create simple, healthy and delicious recipes for each meal

    Learn simple Chakra Recipes & Instruction for natural health-seekers who want to cook fresh, nourishing meals for balance and vitality.

Watch Andrea prepare the recipes Live from her kitchen each day of the challenge! 

This challenge is designed for beginners, and for those who are new to the Chakra approach to cooking.

It's perfect for self-healers, home cooks, holistic healthcare practitioners, and Reiki practitioners.

Extreme fad diets do not work long-term, they are not sustainable and often can actually be harmful to you. Each time you embark on yet another extreme diet plan, your fear based energy center, the Root Chakra, starts sending signals to your adrenals that you are not safe and secure, and cortisol levels increase creating more stress in your body wreaking havoc on your hormones. 

When you start to truly listen to your body (and subtle energy body) - in a deeply powerful, self-loving way - it will change your life. I teach you how to start by calming and balancing your Root Chakra, so your inner child feels safe, nourished and cared for. 

How Does This Challenge Work? 

  • This is all done from the comfort of your own home. By Jan. 17th you'll receive the full E-Book with recipes for the 7-Day challenge so you'll have plenty of time to prepare before we officially begin on Jan. 23.  
  • You will receive an email with instructions and tips for each day for 7 days. 
  • Andrea will be doing a lunch break live each day @ 12 noon showing how to prepare the recipes from her kitchen. 
  • You can follow along inside the Healer Within group (and the replays will be posted if you miss the live session). 
  • There will also be 3 challenge winners with a drawing for prizes at the end! 

Bonus: 7-Day Chakra Diet Recipe Book

As soon as you sign-up you'll receive this 60 p. E-Book with recipes for the 7-Day challenge so you'll have plenty of time to prepare before we officially begin on Jan. 23.  Check your email to Download the PDF!

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Lorissa Markey

"Andrea is an amazing individual who has opened my eyes to a whole different world. Having fibromyalgia and other health issues take over my life, I decided to have my first Reiki session with her. My thought was "how could it hurt?" My reaction now is: look at how it changed my outlook on pain, on health, and on life in general. Andrea is amazing to work with, and I will continue to seek her services for a very long time. Words can't describe the experiences -- please see for yourself."

Nourish Your Mind, Body & Soul

Andrea is offering this challenge (valued at $49) at no-cost for a limited time. Jan. 23-30

Don't miss out on this opportunity!